25 +
Years Of Experience
international association of financial insurance
We Help you to Build for Better Future
IAFI is a non-profit association established to represent national and regional insurance associations that serve the general interests of life, health, general insurance and reinsurance companies and to make representations to national governments, international regulators and others on their behalf.
Determining strategies and producing policies for contributing to the sustainable development of the sector,
Contributing to the protection of the rights and interests of its members, increasing its competitiveness and preventing unfair competition,
Strengthening professional solidarity and determining ethical principles in the relations between insurance, pension and reinsurance companies,
Ensuring the development and spread of insurance and private pension services, establishing communication and cooperation with all stakeholders in the sector,
Communicating opinions to the public authorities about insurance and private pensions,
Monitoring the developments regarding insurance at home and abroad, and researching in the field of insurance,
Establishing relations with same professional organizations related with insurance and private pension at home and abroad, and establishing effective communication,
Establishing institutions and engaging educational activities for the development of the insurance profession.
To make world insurance and private pension sector’s strategic role in world's economic and social development more effective, to increase the insurance penetration rate and its share in the financial system, to ensure that it reaches a strong and sustainable structure.